What is SPF and what does it stand for?
SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor, what it means is the amount of time the sunscreen will protect your skin from UV rays. The higher the SPF, the longer the protection will last.
What does the SPF number mean?
The SPF number tells you how long it might take you to get sunburn after applying it, versus not wearing any at all. As an example: if you can spend 10 minutes in the sunlight without burning, a lotion with SPF10 will multiply this “self-protection time” by 10 to equal 100 minutes.
But keep in mind that this is just an approximation since you might not be taking as long to burn depending on the season, the weather or even your geographic location.
How does SPF work?
The active ingredients in sunscreens work to protect skin by either reflecting or absorbing UV rays, preventing sun induced damage. The amount of UV rays filtered depends on the level of SPF you apply:
SPF15 blocks 93% UVB rays
SPF30 blocks 96.7% UVB rays
SPF50 blocks 98% UVB rays
UVB rays can never be totally filtered, which is why it is important to reapply SPF protection at least every 2 hours.
What do all the sunscreen terms mean?
Broad-spectrum: Broad-spectrum sunscreens filter both UVA and UVB rays. UVB is the principal cause of sunburn and UVA is the main cause of wrinkles, thickened and blotchy skin. Both UVA and UVB contribute to increased skin cancer risk.
What are UVA and UVB rays?
UVA rays cause premature ageing of the skin and tanning, while UVB rays are responsible for redness and burning. Both increase your risk of skin cancer. UVA rays penetrate skin especially deeply and cause issues such as dark pigment spots, sun allergy and premature ageing.
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